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tv   [untitled]    September 5, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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ongoing such asset compression f soil. we will look for daily reports from staff, and we are inspecting any other stocuff wih regards to the plans like steel or foundation. but i would guarantee the inspections will be done from this point forward. and by far as i understand, the permit was approved and issued an -- >> as i understand it a permit was approved and issued. it was not taken to the site. what is the practical affect of that? it is not as if the permit had been held up for approved -- or not approved? >> it had been approved in march. there was an oversight with park
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and rec that got a knowledge that they did not pick it up. the plans were already seen and approved. someone did not pay to pick up a permanenit and get it in the st. >> there was no impact on the project? >> i think there was some work that got done because of the issue of the permit. >> having signed off on it? >> it is not something we encourage. we prefer people to get it, and it helped, because of the process had not been done right, 15 days might have been gone. in how the appeal because the permit did not get issued -- it
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helped the appeal because the permit did not get issued until july. if it had been done right this should have been issued around the start of march. >> technically, until it is actually issued, it is not a permit. >> exactly, it is a permit application but not a permit. >> the complete review had already occurred. it was ready to be issued in march. >> it had gone through the planning department, and the other departments were still going through the review with a different city agencies with other permits. >> thanks. >> ready? >> yes. the permit holders brief wrote
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it down, and i am in agreement with how they broke it down into three major components of the appeal, and i am in agreement that certain planning issues that have been raised on the environmental phase and the project review basis is not appealable to this particular body in general. it is always interesting. there is a little bit of a gray area in terms of what has been entitled in planning versus what becomes part of of building permit. in general i wouldn't agree that many issues -- i would agree
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that many issues are best addressed in a different form than this particular body. the other issue relates to the building permit itself, and the third deals with 88 issues that were raised region -- with ada issues that were raised. it is extremely difficult. based upon what i saw in the document and read, i am in concurrence they are in conformance with ada code in specific code and in determination. the last part dealing with the permit itself i think is a little more cloudy because work
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was started without a permit, and if they picked it up in march, this would have happened already. therefore there would be no impact on construction. i would not quite call it oversight, but it has very little impact on the nature of the appeal itself and the nature of construction. special inspections are going to occur with elements that have not been touched yet, so i do not see it having any impact. therefore, i am in support of upholding the permanenit.
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>> i would echo those comments. i think it is good to have this process. i think it is frustrating for a community that wants to have this go forward, but that is why we are here. i think the concerns need to be heard. tonight i wanted to be satisfied that the issue was resolved and that is a non issue. and there were other concerns raised about the work done without the technical compliance. i am not concerned, given that it is a non-material, an issue that has no impact on the work other than delaying the work through this appeal as well as the site of special inspection, so my inclination would be to
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uphold a permit. >> i agree with fellow commissioners. i do not have anything else sudato add other than to say i m also very glad we have this forum and that people are able to participate, and i would encourage the community to continue to be actively involved and something that is so special to the neighborhood and has brought such a passionate new points on all sides, and i encourage you to continue to participate in the process, because we all have a stake in the beauty of this city and parks and open spaces, so thank you for being here. >> i am going to move to uphold the permanenit based upon the ft that is code compliance.
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-- compliant. >> we have a motion from the vice president to deny this appeal and uphold the permit on the basis that it is code compliance. on that motion -- [calling votes] the vote is 4-0. this is upheld. >> there is no further business before the board. >> we are adjourned.
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>> thank you for coming this morning. my name is bob hayden. i am with the department of the environment and pleased to be the emcee of this event. you can tell from the display that this has something to do with some electric vehicles. so, i would like to start the program with our first presenter. and introduce to you a man who is certainly no stranger to bringing clean technology to san francisco and electric vehicles, are mayor, ed lee. [applause] >> thank you, bob. >> you for your leadership. good morning, everyone. we are going to be talking about
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something that i have been very interested in, and that is mobility. the ability to have technology work for you, like this microphone. we have worked hard for a number of years. i had the privilege of working with gavin newsom in the past to during his administration to create the electric vehicle infrastructure for the city and began the conversation and the collaboration with the other counties to bring an electric vehicle corridor. it signals our efforts to support the creation of
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infrastructure to the electric vehicle industry. of course we have encouraged the private automobile creators to join us. today is a wonderful opportunity to do that with a bmw. any of you who noticed the labels in this city, you will certainly noticed the popularity of bmw as a corporation, not only a great company but one that is also on the cutting edge of the use of technology. i want to thank them and welcome them to not only the electric vehicle stage, which they have been working on, but also to this great program they are about to introduce, the drive now and park now technology. joined -- joining us in the car
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sharing program for their members who want to use bmw products. this idea of cars sharing has been a part of san francisco's objective in creating a more sharing economy. like many other cities, we are congested in our parking. parking is really a challenge in the city. for people who own vehicles, and introducing people to car- sharing programs and ideas have been a wonderful experiment for us. as you know, we have been working to create not only public garages but also in congested neighborhoods. when a private company like bmw registers their interest in car- sharing, that is a complement to the direction we are heading to
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be morris -- more sustainable. i want to think bmw for being here. we are in negotiations to get us into our fleet so we can utilize. unless we do it with the latest technology, people will not appreciate the mayor driving a bmw. [laughter] but we are doing it for the right reasons. i want to showcase that as we lead this country into a thought process, a challenge that our major cities, our urban settings can have solutions to our parking problems, have sustainable mobility as part of our alternatives in the vehicles and car-sharing as a principle for us to join our automobile makers as well as our vehicle owners and rentals as we
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challenge the public to say there are better choices coming forward with our partners in the industry. thank you, bmw. i know that ian and his team are here to announce this thing but i wanted to thank our environmental divisions, our car enthusiasts, our technology. we are the innovation capital of the world. clearly there is a major role for our manufacturers to use that technology to figure out and provide solutions to our parking challenges, to the affordability and everybody to participate so that they can use all of the different modes of travel to get not only around the city, but the bay area. we wish you have this as an opportunity to challenge all of the county's to get from, whether it is ma [ -- napa to
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oakland in all of the events we will host in years to come and have that mobility in all of the alternative ways of doing it and to do it smartly. i appreciate to bmw for this opportunity. we will be great partners with the rentals and the ownership, but also with the technology and the smart way of getting in and out of our city. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, mayor. to continue the introduction and welcoming of san francisco to bmw for this new program, it is my honor to introduce to you melanie nutter. [applause]
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>> good morning, everyone. my name is melanie and i am the director of the department -- we want to protect our environment -- let's try this gain. -- again. good morning, everyone. i am a director of the department of the environment. we are responsible for protecting the environment, safeguarding our public and environmental health, and helps san francisco lead the way toward a sustainable and resilience future. i am happy to be here today on behalf of the department and city. as you probably know, san francisco -- i am sorry. i joined the mayor in thinking
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t-- thanking bmw. as you probably know, a san francisco prides itself as being a leader an incubator of new ideas. new ideas that can help us be more sustainable and resilience every day. i wanted to take a moment to detail how san francisco is a sustainable seven -- city. being a sustainable city means we are less wasteful. we are leading the nation with over 78% diversion rate. 70% of our waste is recycled, compost, or diverted. being a sustainable city, we are energy-efficient. our energy program is a partnership that we have put together with pg&e and we help small businesses save money on
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energy bills and reduce carbon emissions. in san francisco, we are also renewable the powered. we have about 3000 solar installations throughout the city and county of san francisco, equalling 19 megawatts of solar. we are also working toward being 100% powered city in the next 10 years. finally, in san francisco, it means we are ev ready. we're making it easier for residents to take charge of their electric cars. the city now operates 50 publicly available charging stations at 15 locations. these are found at city parking garages, at the airport, treasure island, and by the end
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of 2012, the city will add another 30-40 charges. of note, the public uses the stations, the cost will be free up until the end of 2013 and all of the stations are powered with power that is greenhouse-gas free. adding to the infrastructure, many charging stations are also being implemented on private property. so in retail stores, and other parking lot, there are an additional 44 stations at 22 locations. the department of the environment is making it easier for san francisco to charge their cars at home. are in apartment buildings or condominiums and we have a program that is called multi charge san francisco.
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it is a demonstration program where we are implementing 100 charging stations in these types of buildings to make sure that renters can also have access to easy charging. in closing, i wanted to thank bmw for recognizing the need to innovate in the area of urban transportation and developing new solutions that all of us can utilize now in in the future. i wanted to mention that according to the sustainability research center at uc-berkeley, households can save 0.5 tons of carbon emissions annually through car sharing. this type of program was certainly have an amendment to benefit. congratulations once again to bmw. welcome to san francisco and please call me welcome the doctor to the stage.
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[applause] >> hopefully this microphone is working. what a pleasant to surprised to see the sun shining. i am impressed with the connections you have. it is my pleasure to give you a bit of the background as to what we are actually talking about. i think there are many trends across the world but i will try to be brief in analyzing them. there is no doubt that there is a growing population in the world today. that population is being focused on cities. here we are in san francisco. if we look at any of the forecasts over the next 20 years, up to a half of the population, 3.5 billion people, will live in cities. they will live in an urban environment. it is already happening in asia and south america where there is
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a migration toward the great cities of the world. that will bring more and more congestion into those cities. as an industry, as a company, we can view this as a challenging in that congestion is going to increase. at the same time, or on the other hand, you will have many other developments. we know we are all connected to date. we know sustainability is not just a term people use. people believe in it and the environmental challenges that come with that means that as a company, as a city and a country we have to work together to find the solutions to this. as we look into the future, we could say that the current model of the car industry needs to change. at the same time, we believe that individual mobility is what people desire. that does not mean -- that means
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they will use the car in a different way. here in san francisco, statistics are always something -- potentially, there are over 500,000 people looking for 450,000 parking spaces. this goes for most cities, about 30% of all of the traffic are people looking for parking places. imagine if you could take away some of that uncertainty, you could relieve a lot of the traffic that sits on our roads. with that, of course you reduce not only the congestion and the co2, you make the issue much more sustainable. we started to think about this over the last couple of years as to how we could provide some of the solutions.
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one thing that is for certain, there is no silver bullet. there is no one thing that a company or city could do that would solve all of these problems. it is involving different ways of driving, different ways of ownership, different ways of power in cars. you heard that these are fully elected vehicles. the need to bring this into a holistic approach. what we have been doing under our solutions for the i brand, we have m brand, which is the most powerful actor in the alphabet. those products are well known. but the i brand is just coming. those vehicles are well into development now. the i 3 and i8 will be launched next year. they are carbon fiber and that will be made, not in this state,
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but just up the way in washington state. using fully environmentally sustainable energy. carbon fiber prevention will be shipped to our factories in europe or will be make carbon fiber cars. it is about 50% like you're than steel, 20% lighter than allen minium. you need the batteries ms. -- which makes the efficiency much more credible and also a strong business case. this part of the united states will play a strong part in the development of these vehicles. as well as we also started a venture firm. the venture fund operates out of new york. it started 15 months ago, we made our first investment in a
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company called my city way, which is working on intermodal transport. started in new york, now in 35 cities around the country and many cities around the world provided information to not only our customers, but also anyone interested in moving from a to be in a city. that has worked exceedingly well. as you have seen, we have been investing in other companies as well. the electric charging stations system is another one of those. as is our first in this and in parking. most of us leave our house is in the morning, go to work, part of our cars at work, leave a vacant parking space at home. if you can bring a marketplace together where someone can park under drive during the day, and of course, give them a certainty of where they will part, it works. many thousands of customers now
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are enjoying that has a potential different way of operating in the city. drive now was clocked 15 minutes -- months ago in munich. it is now in three other german cities. we have over 40,000 active users. what does that mean? well, they have an efficient way of experiencing a car. they may use intermodal transport, and they come in by the rail system, by other means, and then they find a car. they're effective, they use their ifid card, they drive and park wherever they want to go. that has worked exceedingly well. since june 30, we have had 70 elected vehicles here in san francisco, and we are already seeing a strong uptick with that fleet. i am sure following today's announcement we will make another big step to that. i am delighted also to say that
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we are also now launching park now. with that congested that i mentioned for the streets of any major city, san francisco being our lead city here, partnering with the green parking council and our partners in urban mobility, we will now bring together the parking systems with these cars, so you will be able to pick up a car, drive anywhere in the city, you can return it to one of these stations. soon you will be able to do it from out of the airport and as well in palo alto. i am delighted that you have a grander scheme of where this may work. we will add more vehicles to this over time, but in terms of park now, he will be able to turn your vehicle there, pre- booked the system, which takes away the uncertainty, takes away a lot of the reason why people not only have two cruise the
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streets looking, but also waste their valuable time as well. it gives me great pleasure to show you a little video now as to how it is all going to work. >> hello, i am the director of mobility services at bmw. as a car company, we spend a lot of time thinking about the freedom of mobility and the increasing urban environment. drive now, the bmw car shared experience, featuring a fleet of b&w vehicles with zero emissions elector driving, and park now, an on-line service to reserve and pay for spots. and here is have drive now works. register in person at a station. go on line or use